Note: ISIN code (International Securities Identification Number) is 12-digit alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies a specific security.
This is an price search page. You can search the latest price of a bond either by its local code or by its ISIN in China Interbank Bond Market. If you search by local code, please don’t omit the prefixed “0” if there is such prefix.
Firstly, select the field type you want to search, “Local Code” or “ISIN”. Enter the key words in search box, and click the submit button. If there is relevant information, there will appear the relevant ISIN/Local Code, Issuer, Exchange, Price, Trading Amount and Trading Date of this security. For example the following result:
ISIN: CND100042MS6
Exchange: China Bond Interbank Market
Issuer: China Development Bank
Closing Price (CNY): 100.01
Trading Amount (CNY): 1.0 bn
Trading Date: 2024-05-18
The data here is not complete. If you can’t find price record for a security or if you have any question, please contact [email protected] or leave a comment here.
If you want to get details or reference data of the security represented by the ISIN, you can visit our Bond Search page.